Chris Volek

Aletheia Interview

Chris Volek
Aletheia Interview


Interview Date: 5.28.17

Kati Kontor – Bass

"Mikey" Maldonado - Guitar

Austin Franco – Guitar

Daniel Rojas - Vocals

Joey Largent - Drums


Aletheia Symbol

"I hope my music and my art impacts people in a powerful way and that cycle continues to spread."

- Austin Franco

Aletheia is an interesting name. Where did you guys come up with it?

Austin: It is the name of the Greek goddess of truth and perception. We all believe and walk different aspects of life.

Daniel: I write everything around finding truth and I like using space as an expression of that. Everything between the art and the band name and the meaning, it correlates so well.


Who primarily writes the music in the band?

Daniel: Mainly it’s Austin and I. He’ll lay down a guitar riff, I’ll play some drums to it and Mikey and Kati will add in.

Austin: It criss-crosses but we make it work!

Daniel Rojas Singing at Royals Skate Shop

Daniel Rojas Singing at Royals Skate Shop


How did you all start playing Music?

Daniel: Me? Since I was a wee lad. I’ve always just been hootin and hollerin to music singing to everything. Eventually a few people, were like “Man you’re not too bad”. To be and perform in front of people is my dream, that’s why I do this. Nothing’s better than when you perform and sing and then hear people sing back what you wrote.

Austin: I didn’t start playing music until I was thirteen, I was always more of a listener. I kind of have to give a bit of the credit to the video game guitar hero. Now, I’ve been playing real guitar for about 10 years and I started studying music at around age 17 with just a little bit of music theory and songwriting.

Joey: I started playing piano when I was little. Then it escalated into me joining band when I was in about 6th grade. I tried to play keyboards in a metal core band when I was maybe 16. That lasted for a year and then I replaced the drummer.

Mikey: Basically my dad bought this really crappy strat when I was 11. It sat and collected dust for like two years and then one day I picked it up and started strumming. It sounded terrible. I don’t know how but I just wanted to get better at it, so I kept playing!

Kati: It all started for me when I was like seven. My mom bought me a guitar and an amplifier and it was a Washburn Maverick. I’ll never forget it. Then I ended up teaching myself through youtube 4 or 5 years later and I started teaching myself the basics. I played a talent show, and then started a band.



What Musicians/Bands Influence all of you?

Mikey:   Pink Floyd, Linkin Park, and Erra.

Daniel: When I was younger I recall standing on the couch pretending to perform in front of a large group of people while watching Michael Jackson or Backstreet Boys. So I would say they are an influence for me as a vocalist.

Austin: Contortionist, I would say is a big influence for us. Erra, a lot of ambient bands as well. I know Tyco is one of my biggest influences. He’s not necessarily the same genre of music that we are but, they do a lot of ambient rock and electronic.

Joey: When i was Sixteen, I wanted to play drums like Cameron Losch, in Born of Osiris. Then I realized that’s not physically possible. so then I got into Periphery and after listening to them for awhile I realized that applying rudiments around a drum set is pretty cool.

 Kati: My biggest influences are PVRIS, big time right now, they have been for the past year. ADTR as always and Issues.

Mikey: What really got me into playing and what I based all my learning off of is Black Sabbath, Van Halen, and Pink Floyd.



What Are Some of Your Accomplishments As a Band So Far?

All: Opening for Born of Osiris, it was Huge!

Daniel: When opened for Chon, It was nuts! When we write music we’re trying to not just be as creative as possible but also blow our own minds Because of these guys. Born of Osiris, I See Stars, and Chon. The bands that we’ve opened for. When we get to play with all three of our biggest inspirations. Man, that is wild. Its awesome and intimidating.

Austin: Inspiring too!

Katie: I think it's crazy because, whenever we first sat down and formed this band we were like “ What are our biggest inspirations?” We named off a couple and I See Stars was one of the and Chon was another. Its cool to say we got to share the stage with them. Since they are such a huge influence on what we became. It's crazy because we would have never guessed we would play with them and here we are. We’ve done it and it's cool!

Mikey: I would say another big accomplishment would be like…ACTUALLY finishing and writing a song! That was a pretty big moment.

Daniel: Our writing process is a little extensive as in it takes time but every time we finish a piece that is a huge accomplishment for us. Every time we come up with something we impress ourselves a little bit more.

"It's crazy because we would have never guessed we would play with them and here we are. We’ve done it and it's cool!"

- Kati Kontor


Is there anything in particular you want to share about the music you are writing and is there a particular message you want them to receive?

Austin:  I feel our music is very diverse. I hope that the music that we do inspires other people, who are upcoming musicians or even just our peers that we play with as well.

Daniel: As far as my lyrics, I use massive metaphors. I write it about the cosmos but it could be all in the mind. In certain songs I literally say “Clear your mind.” I say it in two of our songs actually and I whisper it in one of them. I’m really trying to have people open their mind in the end and accept things for where they are.

Austin: Consciousness and Awareness, I think runs in our lyrics.

Daniel: Not the truth, like the political things. I don’t like writing about politics or romance. Reality is a bit more wild and I want people to know that!


What is your driving force behind playing music?

Daniel: Like I said, as far back as i can remember, my greatest dream was to be able to perform in front of a very large group of people, and have them sing what I’m singing back to me. That is it, i just want people to get the message that I’m trying to send out.

Austin: I have a very deep connection with music now. I guess just over the years just playing and I have such an appreciation for it. It’s like art that anyone can relate to regardless of what race, gender, religion that you have. Music I believe is a universal language. It speaks for itself, whether it has vocals or instrumental. I hope my music and my art impacts people in a powerful way and that cycle continues to spread.

Joey: It’s a really good feeling, like it’s the best feeling. When I’m up in front of people playing, I’m not stressed out, and I don’t care about anything else. 

Mikey: I’ve always loved music and I will continue to love music as much as much as I do. The reason why I keep playing and keep going is just because i want to have fun with it.

Kati: Why I play music? It's because there aren’t a lot of things out there that I think I can feel centered by. Whenever I play music, especially with these guys, I could have the worst week of my life, but the one thing that makes everything feel alright is band practice with these guys. That’s it. Life is shit and it’s hard; and if music means something to you and puts you at ease like you have a purpose, it makes it all worth it I think!